Thursday, July 16, 2009


მოდით ცოტას გაგანებივრებთ ამ დღეებში და კიდევ ერთ საინტერესო პოსტს მოგაწვდით, რომელიც ინგლისურად კი იქნება, მაგრამ ჩემი დიდი მცდელობის და ძალისხმევის შედეგად, გავარკვიე, რომ ქართველის დაწერილია, ნიდელრანდების სამეფოს დედაქალაქ ამსტერდამიდან... ვინაობა იასნია უცნობია, ამჯერად მიუხედავად ჩემი დიდი მცდელობისა და ძალისხმევისა.

Trip Report by KOZ
(ორიგინალიც ესაა... ოუ იეს!)


From the first fusion with the plant world I discovered that while hallucinating I am not somebody I do not like to be – I feel myself extremely comfortable in the state. Even on
Ayahuasca I managed not to have nausea and absolutely enjoyed every little bit about it. Because I love the state I try not to deprive
my existence of the trips.


Let me do this like a “give me a summary of your psychedelic state.”

This last weekend I was in Amsterdam and celebrated the freedom to be able to unite with
plants, fungi and chemicals by fresh Philosophers Stone Truffles–Psilocybe Tampanensis. Since I realized that the best mode of philosophizing is having an empty mind and just observing – I stuck to not getting carried away with a stream of thoughts. Such state allowed me to do the trip during daylight and in company of three friends who wandered around the city and even ate ribs at a restaurant. I do not eat any type of flesh other than fish and seafood for around the last three years[1]. The observational philosophizing helped me to maintain the ecstatic state even when I sat and watched to ribs been ordered and eaten, while behind by back some gay bar was flourishing the fullest during this Saturday evening in Amsterdam. The joint of hash that I smoked at the table after my friend’s dinner made to completely lose control of my vision which exploded into myriads of sparkling lights. How I walked before and after was a demonstration
that the physical world is just an elaborate picture of what our mind pants. The dream world apparently falls into the same, but more obvious category.

The returning lever from the clouds of thoughts to the observational state was the perceival of the plane of existence that a human, or rather a collective humanity and the associate beings, exist in. The plant which helped me step out of this dimension is Salvia Divinorum. With it I have completely lost “I” and became the nothing – got a sneak-peek of the plains beyond the physical one in a swift and astonishing way.

The take-back[2] from the trip of the Philosophers Stone was the view of humanity as a collective of individual beings. With each single person was like an ant in a huge colony inhabiting this planet. Yet our individual waking, and for the most part the dream life, generally revolves around the eyes and ears of a single person. The God, if you will, is the person as the highest perception an individual reaches is of a single individual. The basics of such existence is once born into a physical body to reach maturity, flourish, find a sex partner, impregnate, and die. Yet once the cycle revolves, at the peak of ecstasy and in communion with the life-forms in the immediate
environment and with even more so of the same kind, the experience is of celebration of life and at the same time of the nothingness, the empty void.

I do not trip that often, except the time I discovered that little magic mushrooms grow in the fields close to where I studied. The first fall season was a 2 day trip every weekend. I started experiencing telepathy and visions of the future. The Liberty Caps are truly the best companion of any modern-day technoshaman. Now I trip on average twice a year. The rest of time music, meditating, cannabis, smart herbs, and sports get me nicely trough the intervals.

The trip I had before was the strongest trip ever. It happened on a beach, at nighttime, with my fellow cosmonaut, and basically ended in a long in intense process of being reborn into the human existence while the preceding vision was of a whole life of some very simple marine life-form which is actually plant-like, because it is attached permanently to one spot. The peak took place in extremely powerful bolts of energy vibrating around and through. The long and stretched part was living the life of the marine animal and realizing how little can be done.

Yet another experience that I want to tell you about is the alien type of a trip. I love this kind and get them on Mushrooms and LSD - When you travel in a spaceship, see different archetypes like the big eyed slim and humanoids and the dragon type of a lizard – bold and powerful. This particular trip took place in a quiet cottage with two blotters consumed by two friends. I guess that trip was at that time the strongest trip that my friend had had.

At some pleasant moment I was some type of a Greek mythology figure – the Eagle Headed Man. And yet, of course my beloved dragon type lizard archetype was also forming part of my perceived Assemblage Point. I returned to be a sparkling energy bolt. I guess the key to such a trip is setting, the entheogen and at some focal point braking through the dimension with help from you animal-spirit companion. I do not dare to seek out the animal-spirit when I consider that my cleansing preparation and the method are unworthy of a higher creature.

Let me also once again state that the best method of uniting your DNA with that of a magic plant is Ayahuasca. If done with proper preparations, with due respect and in a right setting – the end result is angel-like existence in a human form.

[1] I love animals and am against their murder, especially in mass quantities. I feel much better knowing that I am less part to the freedom deprival and murder of animals. It helps me meditate more freely and have less of dead decaying meat in my body.

[2] I do not intentionally aim at having a take-back from the trips, but it so happens that there are usually quite some and very valuable.

მოკლედ, ეძებეთ რაღაც იქ, რასთან დაკავშირებითაც ზოგადად ძებნის ცნება საერთოდ მიუღებელია! ;)

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